Sunday, September 20, 2009

I kind of just forgot about this.

I was looking around and noticed I had this blog that I forgot about. Alot has changed since I started this. I got promoted and then decided to transfer to another state for the heck of it. Now I have to deal with the stupid format of Medi-Cal (Cali MA) I wont say from where I came from but with the amount of pharmacies in CA no one will know who I am.

Lets just say Medi Cal Sucks!

Crazy Drug addicts here.

Crazy script I have seen since I have been here

Oxycontin 80 mg #225
Tk 1 t po five times d.

Are you kidding me? How is that person still alive, and lo and behold she walked up to the counter and was acting like she was about to die from the pain. I could not belive it.

I wish I was still at my old pharmacy because we had a camera that faced the front of the store. They would come back limping and acting like they were in pain then all the sudden they walked out of the front door perfectly fine. Damn addicts!

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